The sakila database contains 23 objects of which 7 are views and 16 are tables.
You can open MySQL workbench and choose the "Open Existing EER Model" for the sakila diagram option in the Data Modeling section. The EER diagram will show up. This database is for storing movies data.
So we have film table which contains film data and also
which language it is filmed in,
which list of actors have acted in it,
which category of film it is
and in which inventory it has samples.
Than we have customer table which stores data about the customer and also
from which country the customer is,
in which city and address he lives,
which file does he rented and when he needs to return the movie.
Also sakila stores data about payments and the online store.
Now there are 7 view which are:
1. sales by film category,
2. Sales by given store if we have several
3. Info about given actor,
4. customer list
5. films list
6. staff list
7. all films list, which is bigger and gives result slowly.
Now that is rough view of the sample sakila database. Hope that this is helpful.
You might wanna visit the sakila official page at Sakila
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