Monday, February 23, 2015

Introducing new project called ZadachiJS

In the past few weeks I have been working on a new project called ZadachiJS. It is adapted for Macedonian public and the docs are written in Macedonian using english letters. It is basically a web application that has no GUI and all output is sent to the console, ofcourse the output is in Macedonian. It contains programming practices which could be made in any programming language and it is based on a book called „Збирка Алгоритми и Програми“, од Ѓорги Јованчевски, Билјана Стојчевска и Невена Ацковска or in english, "Collection of Algorithms and Programs" written by Gyorgy Yovanchevsky, Bilyana Stoychevska and Nevena Atckovska. I couldn't find english version of it, but I could in Macedonian. Not sure if there is going to come an english version. So if you want to understand this project better learn Macedonian, because probably I won't find time to translate it in English, who knows.

Збирка Алгоритми и Програми
Збирка Алгоритми и Програми

The JavaScript part consists of one global object called Zadachi and all other stuff are inside of it.
You can browse the code here:
or check the demo here: and the docs here:
Jasmine.js tests are here:

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